Kennedy 2024
The Epic Battle for
the Presidential Election!
On Wednesday, March 23, 2023 at an overflowing ballroom at Boston Park Plaza RFK Jr. made his official announcement that he was running for the democratic nomination in the 2024 Election for the President of the United States.
He likened his campaign to the original American Revolution, a description that may be more accurate than many would first assume as he's taking on massive corporate plutocratic powers - ranging from the Military-Industrial complex to Big PHarma, Big Media, much of the telecommunications and processed foods industries,and more.
"I'm inviting all of you to join me to create an America
that we can believe in and be proud of again. ...
“My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.”
- RFK Jr in his March 23, 2023 announcement
of his candidacy at Boston Park Plaza Hotel
"I'm not an ideal presidential candidate for normal times...
"In normal circumstances, I would not do this, but these are not normal circumstances. I'm watching my country being stolen from me."
- RFK Jr in his March 23, 2023 Announcement of his candidacy at Boston Park Plaza
Under Construction
"During this campaign and during my administration my objective will be to make as many Americans as possible forget that they are Republicans or Democrats and remember that they are Americans," Kennedy said. "We need to focus on the values we share instead of the issues that divide us,"
- RFK Jr in his March 23, 2023 Announcement of his candidacy in an overflowing ballroom at Boston Park Plaza,
Some Basic Background - just in case you landed right on this page and have until now been a victim of the mainstream media's minimization and obfuscation of the Kennedy campaign:
RFK Jr. is the son of former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated while running for president himself in 1968, and the nephew of the former President John F. Kennedy.
Bobby is an extremely effective and longtime environmental and medical reform activist and lawyer who has also used his influence to make tremendous strides against corporate polluters, deeply entrenched medical misinformation and institutional corruption.
( In our current condition - submerged in decades-worth of corporate-sponsored misinformation the above statement is of course still likely to be controversial and depending on your preexisting level of knowledge on these topics the truth of it will take a considerable deal of explaining and demonstrating. That's a lot of what this website is for. You could start [here] or [here]. - )
On this page we'll look at an overview of the key events and some of the controversies around RFK Jr.'s historic campaign for the US Presidency. A few of these main topics also have their own separate pages - as they deserve a bit more in-depth exploration.
His initial Run to Become the Democrat Party Nominee for President.
The near-total Mainstream Media Black-Out, Misdirection and Misinformation campaign against RFK Jr. and his Presidential campaign by mainstream media.
The attempted Official Censorship of RFK Jr. and the campaign of Slander against him.
RFK Jr's Decision to Run as An Independent - due to the rigging of the election system against him and other would-be Democrat nominee contenders
The Unprecedented Denial of Secret Service Protection for RFK Jr. - despite clear and and repeated threats to his safety.
Determining RFK Jr's Vice Presidential Running Mate
The Battle to Get on All the State Ballots
Exclusion From the Presidential Debate; & Holding(?) The Real Debate
Suspending the Presidential Campaign, and the Creation of the Unity Party
The MAHA Movement & Focusing on US Health Issues
On The Way to Become the Secretary of the DHS!
What the Future Holds...? Plans for the We The People Party and Otherwise
Again, while most of these pages are done, or at least have good progress, a few of them are still very much Under Construction for the moment :)
Declaring Independence! RFK Jr's difficult decision to leave behind the party of his ancestors in order to get a fair fight.
The false and slanderous accusation of antisemitism against RFK Jr. and the attempt to actually censor him from testifying about censorship a Congressional Hearing.
The current administration's repeated Denial of Secret Service Protection to RFK Jr.
The Battle to get on the Ballot! A downside of going Independent is that you have to qualify to be on the ballot separately in all 50 states - a process made extremely difficult by laws put into place by the two parties currently dominating the political system.
For inspiration and entertainment we'll also look at the Celebrities who who have Expressed Support for RFK Jr's and his Presidential Campaign - an endorsement that in the current system of media misinformation can put one's career at risk.
Battling Censorship and Media Blackout and Gas-Lighting
Picking the Vice President. We'll look at some of Bobby's top options for his running mate - and then we'll look in some depth at his selected VP running mate Nicole Shanahan and her life and work before and after.
Key players in the Kennedy24 Campaign Team - from Dennis Kucinich to RFK Jr's Daughter-in-law Amyrillis Fox-Kennedy, Charles Eisenstein, Tony Lyons, Gavin deBecker, Anthony Robbins and beyond!
The Battle to get on the Ballot!
- The massive effort and expense to get on the ballot in all 50 States! Ever since Ross Perot got claimed a sizeable portion of the vote with his 1992 Independent Presidential run, the two party system has worked hard to make it even much more difficult for an independent candidate to even have a chance at competing with them.
Even the very first step to running Independently - getting on the ballot as an official candidate is now extremely difficult. Bobby is a candidate who has the unique potential to break through this anti-democratic stranglehold of control - and this is part of the battle in which supporters can really directly help!
“If we want to meet our obligation as a generation, as a civilization, as a nation, which is to create communities for our children that provide them with the same opportunities for dignity and enrichment and prosperity and good health as the communities that our parents gave us, we’ve got to start by protecting our environmental infrastructure.
“If we want to measure our economy … we ought to be measuring it based upon how it produces jobs and the dignity of jobs over the generations, and how it preserves the value of the assets of our community.”