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A RFK Jr. Reader
Introducing RFK Jr's Most Notable Literary Works

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  In This section we'll look at RFK Jr's ... many literary works - dating back to his earliest, a biography of one of his early heroes, Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr., and then going all the way forward in time to several recent releases and even an anticipated 2025 release!



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Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr.:

A Biography(1978) 

       RFK Jr.'s biography of Frank M. Johnson Jr., a U.S. District Judge, details Johnson's key rulings in civil rights cases during a time of intense societal change in the American South. Johnson's courage and adherence to justice made him a critical figure in the Civil Rights Movement, and this book provides a thorough exploration of his life and legal philosophy.

The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human Right

(with John Cronin, 1997)  


   This book chronicles RFK Jr. and John Cronin's environmental activism, particularly their work with the Hudson Riverkeepers to protect waterways from pollution. It delves into their battles against corporations and government negligence, illustrating how grassroots movements can reclaim environmental rights for the public.


Crimes Against Nature:

How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy (2004) 

     This book critiques the environmental policies of the Bush administration, which Kennedy argues prioritized corporate interests over environmental protection and public health. The work serves as both a warning and a call for political action to reverse the damage being done to the country's natural resources.

Steal Back Your Vote" (with Greg Palast, 2008)

   This 'investigative comic book' highlights the issues surrounding voter suppression in the U.S., detailing fraudulent tactics and disenfranchisement methods used during elections. Written with investigative journalist Greg Palast, this work serves as both a critique and a call to action for preserving the integrity of voting rights.

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Saint Francis of Assisi A Life of Joy" (2005)

    A children’s book that introduces the story of Saint Francis of Assisi, highlighting his love for nature, animals, and people. The story is filled with lessons of humility, kindness, and joy, making it accessible and uplifting for young readers.


Kennedy Green House    Designing an Eco-Healthy Home from the Foundation to the Furniture

(with Robin Wilson, 2010) 


  This book focuses on sustainable home design, detailing RFK Jr.'s own journey in creating an eco-friendly home. With the help of green living expert Robin Wilson, the book serves as a guide to environmentally conscious living, providing practical advice on everything from construction materials to home furnishings.



Let the Science Speak:

The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury—a Known Neurotoxin—from Vaccines (2015) 

     Co-authored with Dr. Martha Herbert, this book compiles scientific evidence and research arguing for the removal of thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used in some vaccines. Kennedy suggests that thimerosal poses serious health risks, particularly to children, and calls for a shift in public health policy.



Why Michael Skakel Spent Over a Decade in Prison for a Murder He Didn't Commit (2016)  


      In this book, RFK Jr. presents the case for the innocence of his cousin, Michael Skakel, who was convicted of murder in 2002. Kennedy highlights evidence he believes was ignored, laying out a legal and investigative critique of the conviction, which he argues was unjust and politically motivated.

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Climate in Crisis  Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late

(with Dick Russell, 2020)
  This book examines the causes of climate change, identifying industries, political figures, and corporations that contribute to the crisis. With co-author Dick Russell, RFK Jr. outlines the steps individuals and governments need to take to reverse environmental damage and mitigate global climate catastrophes

Vaccine Villains:

What the American Public Should Know About the Industry

(with Anne Dachel, 2016) 


    This work critiques the vaccine industry, focusing on corporate and governmental forces RFK Jr. claims distort public understanding of vaccine safety. Co-authored with Anne Dachel, the book seeks to challenge mainstream narratives about vaccines and provide readers with an alternative perspective.


The Real Anthony Fauci

Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health" (2021)

    In this controversial book, RFK Jr. critiques Dr. Anthony Fauci's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, accusing Fauci, Big Pharma, and global elites of using the crisis to gain power and profit. The book suggests that the pandemic response was part of a broader agenda to infringe on civil liberties and impose undue medical control.

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Profiles of the Vaccine-Injured 'A Lifetime Price to Pay'

(with Children’s Health Defense, 2022)

   This book profiles individuals who, according to Kennedy, were injured by vaccines, highlighting their struggles and health consequences. It presents stories from families and individuals claiming vaccine-related harm and critiques what Kennedy views as a systemic failure to acknowledge or address these issues.


Robert Smalls: American Hero" (2023) 


   This biography of Robert Smalls, an enslaved African American who escaped to freedom by commandeering a Confederate ship, tells the story of his life and bravery during the Civil War. The book highlights Smalls’ achievements as a military leader and politician and emphasizes his role in American history.

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A Letter to Liberals Censorship and COVID:

An Attack on Science and American Ideals  (2022)


    In this work, RFK Jr. addresses liberals, arguing that COVID-19 censorship has compromised American values and undermined scientific integrity. He critiques how media and governmental institutions have handled public discourse, particularly around the pandemic, vaccines, and public health policies.

American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family (2023) 


   A personal memoir reflecting on RFK Jr.'s life growing up in the Kennedy family, this book explores the values that shaped him—such as service, courage, and commitment to justice. It weaves together family history, personal anecdotes, and RFK Jr.'s own journey through public life and activism.

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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain: American Hero (2023)


   RFK Jr.'s biography of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain focuses on the Civil War hero's life, military leadership, and contributions to American history. Chamberlain’s role at Gettysburg is explored, alongside his post-war accomplishments as a governor and president of Bowdoin College.

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race" (2023)
  In this book, RFK Jr. explores the origins of COVID-19, suggesting that the virus may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan. The work delves into the global bioweapons arms race and raises concerns about future pandemics and biotechnological risks.

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America’s Path Back to Moral Leadership


Set for release in 2025, this upcoming work is expected to reflect on America's political and moral standing in the world. It will likely discuss how the country can reclaim a position of ethical leadership on issues ranging from democracy to global health and climate change.

RFK Jr's Fight for Healthy Water! Riverkeeper & the Waterkeepers Alliance

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