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Polio, Paris Green, Lead-Arsenic, DDT & Lies!

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Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text  


some basic myths - misunderstandings of-bout Polio

- been around for long time- millions-? or thousands of years - not hurting us..

common claim that improved sanitation caused people to become immune vulnerable to it - 

but not really - examples of slums around the world w big occurrences - and in parts of US, et. too

why big 1913-/ - outbreak in NY - lab testing of virus - etc. - ?

Cutter incident - etc.

3+- strains of virus type -???

DDT connections -

Modern occurrences & re-namings - lateral myelitis, acute... - etc. -   correspondecn ce w modern DDT usages - etc. -


Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text  


   Trauvalt - silk-worms + Gypsy Moth

Potato eating bugs - = Paris Green - pres 1892-ish  a few paralysis cases - but w Strabismus  etc. - via the mercury toothing meds - (almost-?) always corresponded w teething - new teeth - ? and corresponding use of mercuric 'medicines-'

Codler bug in that one VT-? town - lotsa clear metal poisoning cases - claimed as first P outbreak - 123 cases - w 18 deaths - but convulsions - vomiting - etc. point to Arsenic & Mercury - etc. - as real cause of the myelitis



some pics to do:

Travault w his silk worms - & netted trees behind - ?

periodic element table - emphasizing Hg, Ars, Pb - etc. -

pics of spinal cross section

paralyis example- skinny legs - etc.  RFK image-? etc. - + RAW-?

 oral-fecal route of virus -


- polio virus and it's various actions - receptor links - capsides s- rna etc. routes of invasion

Things about Cutter incident -

SV 40 -




Gysy Moth-Rdcd.jpg
Moths on Tree-.jpg
moths-city streets - Rdcd.jpg
moth-caterpillarson tree-Rdcd.jpg

RFK Jr's Fight for Healthy Water! Riverkeeper & the Waterkeepers Alliance

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