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Re-Empowering Unions
and Restoring
Labor Rights

Under Construction

    In his younger years RFK Jr. worked directly with migrant farm labor organizer Cesar Chavez and even later served as a pall bearer at his funeral.  RFK Jr. has long been a strong supporter of the labor movement and has stated that “capitalism can function only in the presence of a strong labor movement.”

      His administration “will make defense of the rights of workers a cardinal principle of governance.”

    The bargaining power of unions is an important counterbalance to the instinct of big corporations to cut corners and keep wages as low as possible in their relentless drive for maximum profits.

     RFK Jr. believes that well-treated and fairly-compensated workers are foundational to the economic and psychological health of individual US families as well as the happiness and security of the nation as a whole.  Unions are an essential institutions to help ensure that workers receive fair and livable wages and benefits, and that they are treated humanely and respectfully by their employers.

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  The Rapid Encroachment of A.I.

Computerized 'Workers' and the Future of Labor 


         With the rapid intrusion of A.I. technologies into so many spheres of work, strong support for Labor and Unions is now more essential than ever.

    The writer and actor strikes of 2023 established some precedents in the face of ChatGPT and improving abilities of AI to create visual and auditory simulations of on screen performers.

    But the combination of AI and advanced robotics will soon bring about a much more widespread threat to many many other forms of employment.  It may be that highly-intelligent machines will soon challenge nearly every industry one could think of – and Unions will need all the help they can get in standing up for human workers in the face of this unprecedented dilemma.

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    To restore the power of unions as an important counterbalance to the voracious appetitie of today’s hyper-capitalism and its technologically-powered acceleration, President Kennedy will support and protect the essential rights of workers:

      ( the following list is taken directly from the website. )


  • The right to organize.

  • The right to collective bargaining.

  • The right to strike.

  • The right to meaningful wages and benefits, which includes a significant increase to the minimum wage .

  • The right to a healthy and safe workplace with appropriate working conditions.

  • The right to compensation if injured on the job.

  • The right to a dignified and secure retirement.

  • The Right to Organize.

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  • The Right to Collective Bargaining.

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  • The Right to Strike.

  • 'The Right to Meaningful Wages and Benefits, Which includes a significant Increase to the Minimum Wage.

  • The Right to a Healthy and Safe Workplace with Appropriate Working Conditions.

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  • The Right to Compensation If Injured On the Job.

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  • The Right to a Dignified and Secure Retirement.

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    Mr. Kennedy will vigorously defend these and other workers' rights and use the power of the presidency to uplift the standing of workers throughout the nation.  He will:

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  • Vigorously Enforce the Law Against Union-Busting Corporations so that workers at places like Starbucks and Amazon can organize. 

  • Fight for a Federal Tax Deduction for Union Dues, in recognition that strong unions are a boon to our nation

  • Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour, with Automatic Further Increases to Keep Pace with Inflation

  • Support Legislation like the PRO Act to Boost Worker Protections and Unionization.

  • 'Lobby Congress to change bankruptcy laws so that collective bargaining agreements are preserved through bankruptcy and assumed by the new owner.    He will make sure that corporations cannot use bankruptcy maneuvers to strip workers of their agreements, benefits, and pensions.'

  • 'Strengthen Protections for Workers in the Gig Economy, so that corporations can no longer use gig workers to undermine wages for regular employees.'

  • 'Protect Worker Rights in Trade Agreements.     Neoliberal free trade policies set American workers into competition with workers in low-wage countries that have few labor protections where, in some cases, unions are non-existent.    Mr. Kennedy will make labor protections the centerpiece of any future trade agreements.'

  • Promote the On-Shoring of Industrial Production, again so that American workers are not pitted in competition against workers from low-wage countries. 

     Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is committed to being the strongest pro-labor President since the 1960s, as part of his broader commitment to restore a strong middle class in America.

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RFK Jr's Fight for Healthy Water! Riverkeeper & the Waterkeepers Alliance

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