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 Bobby III

     RFK Jr.’s first child, his son Robert Francis Kennedy III, or rather Bobby III, was born to RFK Jr. and his first wife Emily on September 2, 1984.  Bobby III has largely stayed out of the political spotlight and so far has chosen to become involved in creative pursuits – mainly film – instead.

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 Brown University

and the Ameritocracy Website 


     Bobby attended Brown University and then in 2008 he did for a moment dip a toe into the world of politics - helping Porter Bayne launch the now defunct political fact clarifying website as its Outreach Director.  Porter and Bobb saw how new technologies and the growth of the internet were increasingly leading to inaccurate information and misquotes from politicians as well as media outlets.  The site rated quotes and other soundbites for their accuracy as well as their relevance.


    “. . . we live in a culture of sound bites. But you have to dissect them, you have to look at their sources.”

    - Bobby III quoted from a Teen Vogue 2008 interview.  Certainly a statement all the more relevant today.

   While Bobby III didn’t close himself off to the possibility of the family path of political involvement, in a 2011 HuffPost interview he did share some reasons why he choose a different path for his early adulthood.

     “People that, I feel at least, get into politics too early before they've had a chance to express themselves and kind of be free and do what they want to do, end up being the most corrupt politicians,”

     “I don’t really care for American politics as they're currently playing out. Campaign finance is basically legalized bribery.”


 Bobby III's Film Career

- Writing, Acting, Producing -


    Bobby’s work since then has primarily been in the film entertainment industry. He wrote and starred in the 2013 romantic comedy film Eurotrapped (AKA Ameriqua) about an apathetic graduate who gets cut off by his wealthy parents and then gets tangled up with an organized crime ring in Italy.

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    Soon after his first film, Bobby III made his directorial debut with the one-act comedic play ELEW: Live from Infinity which dealt with the concept of immortality, included a bunch of puppets and featured a performance by rock-jazz pianist Eric Lewis.

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     In the years since he developed and found financing for a film about the true story of the iconic journalist and author Hunter S. Thomson’s 1970 run to be elected as Sheriff of Pitkin County – which after COVID-19 related delays was released in 2021 as Fear and Loathing in Aspen.

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     In 2017 Bobby married Amaryllis Fox an ex-CIA spy and author -who is now running his father’s Presidential campaign!

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   The couple’s first child together their daughter Bobby (IV) was born in August of 2019, followed by a son Cassius Watts Thoreau in 2021. Bobby III and Amaryllis also share an older daughter, Zoë, from Fox’s previous relationship

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RFK Jr's Fight for Healthy Water! Riverkeeper & the Waterkeepers Alliance

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